
My name is Evan Mortimore, welcome to my web site. E-man is my skydiving nickname, and video streaming technology has been a big part of my career for many years.  I was stoked that the e-man.tv domain name was available!

I have a story to tell. I've had a phenomenal life experience thus far, and something deep within compels me to share my story. That is my intention for this web site.

This is very much a work in progress. While I have extensive expertise in fundamental video streaming technologies, when it comes to modern Web development, not so much. I'm okay with that, I know enough to achieve my goals.


My goals for this site:

  • Share things I care about with a larger audience.
  • Serve as a test-bed for a disruptive, freely available platform for video-on-demand services that are easily deployed by the masses.
  • Share my personal growth experiences as they happen.

I hope you enjoy what you find here, and that you'll check back from time to time.