IoT Lamp Dimmer

After investigating what was available for lighting control automation for the home, I was dissatisfied with the current offerings. Having spent 5 years designing control systems in the energy efficient lighting sector for commercial properties, I thought I could do better.  It's an engaging problem to be sure!

  • There is such a thing as a solid-state switch: it's called a TRIAC.
  • It is possible to control a TRIAC with software: use a microcontroller.
  • The TRIAC has been used in lamp dimmers for a very long time.  It's proven tech, and it's VERY inexpensive.
  • Getting a microcontroller to properly dim with a TRIAC is right up my alley.
  • Getting the whole thing done inexpensively and being UL approvable is a significant challenge that separates the professional from the amateur.
  • Just enough electronics knowledge required to challenge me.

Thus far, I've completed 2 prototypes that embody my design choices.  Here are some videos I made as I've progressed!

  • First Demo - Basic TRIAC circuit controlled by a microcontroller via USB.
  • Second Demo - Addition of a Bluetooth module to replace the USB connection.
  • Third Demo - Android app to signal the Bluetooth module, eliminating the Windows PC.
  • Fourth Demo - 2nd hardware prototype, Bluetooth LE module from Cypress.